7. 7. 2013

Big thank you note

There was a long winter full of big life changes, school and work activities and let me tell you it wasnt fun at all. But as we all know, you cant be happy all the time(and also you shouldnt be sad as well) so I had to accept this interesting and hard twist and move on. During this few months I have lost some friends, made new ones and could truly appreciate those, who stayed by my side and were amazing support(like Monika, Robin, Martin(actually both Martins) and Kuba who(all) helped me with moving- twice! And Anicka for babysitting my cat Hedvika and Inka and many other people for being awesome). So basically what I am trying to say is THANKS TO EVERYONE. Actually I want to thank  those shitty friends for revealing who they really are, Im glad that I wont waste my time with those who dont deserve(and appreciate) it.
And big thanks to everyone else for hanging out, helping out, parties, being friends, being facebook friends (ha ha) and being there for me.

These ladies rock:

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