Hello sexuals(I know that this salutation is a real Jenna Marbles thing but let's face it - you all are sexuals!),
whats up? This blogging thing is getting harder for me since I dont have almost any free time but I should keep it up..
So summer is over and those grey days(by the way check this clothing, haha ) are back again -
I really cant appreciate this but what can I do, huh? Well,I can travel more..
And that's what I'm gonna do this month. Next week I'm going to Istanbul- Turkey for 3 days so I'll show you some pictures later.
At the end of this month we are gonna visit Warsaw tattoo convention again so Im excited that I can see all my Polish friends again, yay!
Let me tell you one thing-polish women are so beautiful(advice to men who read this - go there! You won't regret it)..And one more thing about the travelling topic- this summer I've been to Netherlands - Amsterdam and Zaandam with my friend and it was awesome. People in Netherlands are so sweet, kind and nice, I just love it. Amsterdam is such a nice city, I wouldn't mind to live there at all .
We've been in Anne Frank huis(house) - interesting place but I recommend to read that book before you go there, we have visited Van Gogh museum, Rembrandt huis(sweet), took a boatride, ate delicious local food, went shopping. We were there for a week and it was perfect. Our accommodation was so funny because we could stay at our friends house(well it was a house of some agency she has worked for with bunch of other people)and that place was crowded and so funny all the time. I'm truly happy that we have been there for a vacation. People in Netherlands are so open-minded, it's so nice and I felt like I belong there in some way. Tattoos are totally fine and its not a big deal for anyone so nobody is staring at you for having them -awesome! You have many coffeeshops which are always full, you can go to red light district where ..well everybody knows what you can find there - but no judging, I dont mind at all - its funny to see all the men staring in windows and acting weird, haha. And everyone is riding a sweet bike - its really a heaven.
Well to sum it up - I had the best time this summer.
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me with my travelling buddy |
Actually, one more thing- you can check most of my pictures here: http://kungfu-panda.rajce.idnes.cz/ or follow me on instagram
P.S. to other bloggers- what the hell happened to blogger when I was gone? Is it just me or it gets weirder
and weirder..? Damn I'm agry.
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