Yep - I am still alive!:)) Well, I feel like I should explain why I didnt make any photo challenge or random post lately.. I had my history exam on Monday ( I studied until now the Charles University in Prague - humanities) and it was my last chance to make it(I failed twice at this) and it didnt end as well as I wish. I failed and honestly I dont know why.. But one thing is clear - I cant study there anymore. Goodbye Prague! I cryied for 2 days for this.. Its such a strange feeling when you have your plans, you try to do your best and then.. its over. Dont want to make any excuses but this exam is a huge sieve.. I have a chance to stay on my school only if I change a type of my study and pay about 600$ for a semester and then I would have 3 more chances to make all exams but the worst mark you can get here is 2- so absolutely impossible. And I dont have those money. So I am moving back to Olomouc, I will work( I hope so- we dont have many work opportunities here) for first time in my life ( I dont count any summer jobs) and prepare for entrance exams for another universities. So big news, ha? To be honest, I´m not having the time of my life now but I hope that later when I look back I ll see that this was actually a great thing and because of that many other better chances will show up.
Sad Panda! |
Jééé, tak to je mi lííto :(. Vím, jak Ti je, přesně to samý jsem zažívala v září kvůli filosofii :(.
OdpovědětVymazatDržím palce, ať Ti to dál všechno vyjde :).
Dekuju Veru, no ta nase skola byla pekne zakerna, co.)) ale tak zivot jde dal, jen je to tedka docela tezky.. a co ty tedka?
OdpovědětVymazatmy dear friend i believe in you even though is quite hard these days to believe in your capacity. there is nothing more than i want than to see you happy, let me know if i can do something in this ridicolous distance and i will with no hestation. big hug my friend dont cry i hope the roads get clearer and a new window replaces this closed door. hopefully i will see you smile soon.