hahaha. So I couldnt mention that recently I got a supersweet package from Puerto Rico with a label - typical x mas p.r. candy.. I was really surprised what was in the boooox.D I got the best coffee ever.. it smells so good, you know its delicious even by smelling it... Yum! Then there was something which I call my bling bling pimp stuff.D Awesome watch and Panda necklasse! I cant tell you how happy am I for this lovely surprise.. And there was some mentioned candy(I am saving it for the worst time)
you can feel the puerto rico.D
1 is gone, 3 more left
Thank you so much, Julio! It means a lot to me.
Btw. yesterday my grandmom visited me and gave me her first jewel.. I cant believe its almost the same thing I got from Lenny!:D
ta scenka je proste neprekonatelna!:D v tuhle chvili jsem robin milovala nejvic...:D hlavne jsem dostala od babicky tu kamej, ktera je stejna jak prsten, ulet...:))
ten prsten chci! :D je fakt krásnej :D
OdpovědětVymazatWhat's in the booooooooooox? Brad Pitt? Seven? Yeah I'm the jerk :D.
ta scenka je proste neprekonatelna!:D v tuhle chvili jsem robin milovala nejvic...:D
OdpovědětVymazathlavne jsem dostala od babicky tu kamej, ktera je stejna jak prsten, ulet...:))